Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sources and stuff.

MacCracken, Michael. "GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS." US EPA. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.

This article is a good example of how each person affects global warming. He uses calculations to figure out how much on average each person emits in the world. This is very important when talking about the Antarctica ice sheet. He brings up that the loss of the Greenland ice sheet and the west Antarctic ice sheet would increase water levels by up to 15 feet. That would put most coastal cities into a very difficult situation. He brings up examples such as Washington and New Orleans, where some cities are built underneath the sea level and will face many problems if sea levels rise at a drastic rate.

Barry, R.G. . "CRYOSPHERIC RESPONSES TO A GLOBAL TEMPERATURE INCREASE." Publications. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.

This is a very interesting journal. It gives good data, that is fairly simple to understand with the descriptions that are given. He also gives a great overview and puts the view of global warming in great context. He talks about how the amount of ice we have has to be accounted as a whole, and how small percentages of ice melting in such a large amount of ice is a big deal and is a issue. He addresses how it affects due to altitude, latitude and human interference. These are three factors he just brings up as examples of how ice loss might differ between areas.

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