Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CO2 Catcher

I have changed my ideas a lot after all the lectures and movies that we have watched. I have become very interested in global warming and the facts and repercussions that will happen because of it. Due to this it brought me upon something that he said that was said in the “Inconvenient Truth.” He said it quickly and did not talk about it in depth but he brought up, CO2 extraction from the atmosphere mechanically. I have always thought it was because of this technology that has caused it and its pretty amazing to see that it can also be the reason why we get out of it. Now after reading about it, this has been talked about for years but never really brought up into the main stream because of all the people who believe it is impossible and that more would be emitted during the process than would be taken out, I am saying right now after reading countless articles, they are dead wrong. This extractor that is being made by many companies but just slightly different, produces no CO2 and will extract CO2 and put it into a liquid that will be useable. It will be making oil, from the atmosphere, the perfect solution to our growing CO2 problem. The people who have thought of this and are supporting this include a scientist who was one of the leading researchers in this field. I feel that if these machines are made correctly they can fix our problem and there will be no more need for a green movement, we will be able to power our cars and power almost everything off of pure carbon that is gathered from the atmosphere.

This source gives an accurate depiction of how the filter is going to work and what form it will be put into. It also talks about who will be manufacturing it and the pros and cons of building a device like this such as where will the byproducts go, and how expensive will it be to make.

"Could US scientist's 'CO2 catcher' help to slow warming? | Environment | The Guardian." Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian | Web. 11 Feb. 2010. .

This article talks about how it originated. The ideas behind it and the true people who supported it and vouched for it even though they had an image to live up to. It also talks about the process of how it was thought of and how the collaboration of so many great minds if put towards a task can solve anything.

"Ed Pilkington interviews climate science pioneer Wallace Broecker | Environment | The Guardian." Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian | Web. 11 Feb. 2010. .

This gives great pictures showing CO2 extractors. This is a company that specializes in these types of machinery. They have been at it for years which are explained in the article and the extractor will be using methods that were experimented with and tested here at the Eden Labs. Without the building of a prototype and the engineering of such great technology, there would be no way to actually build the extractor that everyone is hoping to have.


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