Monday, May 3, 2010

Summary of Paper

Our world is changing at a drastic pace and people don’t seem to understand the magnitude of the situation. Our world is going down a dangerous road that leads to a bleak future. We are losing our environment, various species, and any resemblance of control we had on our world. We are causing spikes in temperature, and we are responsible for changing our world into a world of waste, greed and desolation. I argue that ocean levels are rising at varied rates due to the different reactions the western Antarctic ice sheet, the eastern Antarctic ice sheet and the Greenland ice sheet are having due to the change in global climate. These three ice sheets hold more than 50 percent of the world’s fresh water. Right now the rate at which the ice is melting will be causing problems for countries all around the world.

There is much speculation what is causing these such diverse changes, but it is hard to tell even after all the different studies there have been into the research of this topic. It is a matter of discussion the scientific community and could change the way we see the world as we know it. The growth of some of the ice caps and the decline of others may unexplainable to most people but to scientists just another question that has been raised in the whole picture of global warming. It is a known fact that water levels are increasing and two of the three largest ice masses on this earth are decreasing but 1 is increasing at a drastic rate which brings up the question, why? This have yet to be discovered but the data on these is abundant and detailed so the scientific community has a detailed understanding of what is happening up north.

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